I talk about Gun’s, Guitars and Girls, but I don’t seem to ever post about them.

Starting this week I thought I’d start a weekly shout out to some of the women that I find impressive, beautiful, courageous, friendly, down to earth or whatever reason strikes my fancy that week.

First up is Swedish Model; Sister Sinister.

An absolutely stunning model who does a lot of work with Latex. Talented behind the camera, as well as in front of the camera does some amazing self-portraits. All this talent and beauty and has always been friendly and polite to talk to.

One of the first latex models that I subscribed to on deviantart.

Sister Sinister © Josefine Jönsson <a style=

buy ambien in france 2014, www.josefinejonsson.com” width=”533″ height=”800″ /> Sister Sinister © Josefine Jönsson 2014, www.josefinejonsson.com

Sister Sinister © Josefine Jönsson 2014, www.josefinejonsson.com

Sister Sinister © Josefine Jönsson 2014, www.josefinejonsson.com

Sister Sinister © Josefine Jönsson 2014, www.josefinejonsson.com

Sister Sinister © Josefine Jönsson 2014, www.josefinejonsson.com

