So earlier this year I was pondering how I can utilise my time better whilst getting some reloading procedures done, and the thought occurred to me that I could be much more efficient if I could be doing something else whilst doing certain reloading case-prep routines.
I looked into how I may be able to de-prime my brass, ready for reloading, without having to sit at the bench and do them on the press, It also occurred to me that it would be much neater if I could deprime, then clean the brass before re-sizing it – helping to keep my dies and reloading bench clean and free from unburnt powder.
Harvey Deprimer
After a little searching on the web, I noticed that there were not too many tools for the job. I didn’t much like the idea of having to buy a Lee handheld press just to de-prime cases, and then I wandered upon A website boasting a neat tool that could do any number of calibres all from the comfort of the sofa, whilst watching TV.
I ummed and Ahhed for a little while as the tool cost around $50 plus shipping in the states, so I knew it would cost more to get it in the UK. $69.95 as it happened. Or £48 at the time (my paypal email states 1.46688US to the GBP).
It was shipped out the next day and from what I recall it arrived fairly swiftly.
Using The Tool
Using the Harvey Deprimer is pretty simple indeed. Basically put the case you want to deprime over the pin, wiggle it around so the pin falls order xanax paypal into the flash hole, put the case in the cutaway on the tool and press the tool closed. It’s handy to have a bin or receptacle of some description to catch the spent primers as they pop out, but it really is a doddle, Check it out:
It takes all of 5 minutes to get started with the deprimer tool, and that’s being generous. It’s very easy to get into a rhythm and punch out the primers whilst doing something completely unrelated, such as watching TV or a movie. I deprimed about 70 .223 brass whilst messing around recording them on the camera and talking like a goof to the camera in about 5-10 minutes. Simple, easy and worth the money.
The Harvey Deprimer seems to be built to last, and anodised for a lasting finish, along with a spare deprimer pin in case it breaks, but it seems sturdy enough to me after around 500 rounds or so.
Here’s my Harvey Deprimer Review on Youtube (with freshly chopped off hair!)
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